This is an instruction to play the song from Plain White T's "Hey There Delilah" on the guitar.
1) collection schemes
What can be easier to play this song you know the model collection. The collection model is a series of back and forth between the basic tones (which is the lowest note sounding in a chord), is, and notes that are held at the Ge-B string (if you count from ' top to bottom, the 4 th string G and the fifth is B). Any other takeson G and B strings are plucked simultaneously.
The keynote address will be plucked with the thumb and the other two notes are plucked with the index (on rope 4) and average (rope 5) fingers.
Here is a summary of the model collection:
Keynote - notes G and B strings - keynote - Notes on G and B strings - and that is repeated throughout the song.
As you move in a broader sense.
2) Chords
1 The first chord of the song, this song is D.does not require that you hold a full D-chord form. You just have to keep the strings G and B. G-string, use the index finger on the second Press Federation. On the B string, use the middle finger to the 3 rd Press Federation.
The form looks like this (the order of the strings from top to bottom):
| XX 0 2 3 x |
(The numbers refer to the key to press on the strings with an 'x' means that it is used for the agreement in question)
The rootWorthy of note is the open string D, so if you choose, it would look like this:
| Xx xxx 0 | then | xxx 2 3 x | then | xxx xx 0 | then | xxx 2 3 x | and repeat.
Just keep the form of agreements and take the notes back and forth.
2 The second agreement "Hey There Delilah" is an F # m (lower crankcase 'm' for children).
And 'so that is shaped like a song.
| Xx x 4 2 2 |
Point your finger on the D string fourth group (3 °) and press the second of the two UnionFour five string with your index finger.
The root is the fourth Federation of the 3 rd string. This is how the string is drawn.
| Xxx xx 4 | then | x xxx 2 2 | then | xxx xx 4 | then | x xxx 2 2 | and repeat.
3 The third agreement to be learned, the BM6.
It is designed as follows:
| X 2 x 4 x 3 |
The index finger plays the string, second fret. The ring finger plays the G-string on the fourth fret and your middle fingerinterprets the string B to the third fret.
Of this agreement is the keynote of the second key on the string. Continue with the collection model for the same agreement.
4 The fourth agreement Hey There Delilah is a form of the G chord that seems
| 3 4 3 x xx |
The third button on the low E string is the keynote of this agreement. The same pattern applies to raise the agreement.
5 The last agreement is an R. There are two particular forms of the rope that is used in the song. Theirare:
| X 0 x 2 2 x | (which I call 'A1') and | x 0 x 2 5 x | (which I call "A2"). The root here is open a string.
3) chord structure
The chord structure of the song is:
D / / / F # m / / / D / / / F # m / / / SM6 / / / G / A1 / Bm / / / A1 / A2 /
Each letter and '/' one to beat. And each shot is picking the root note and what are the notes on the G string (4 °) and B string (5 °) is played.
For example, the first four barswritten as D / / /. That would have sounded
| Xx xxx 0 | then | xxx 2 3 x | and three repetitions of the same model.
Remember to choose the keynote | xx 0 xxx | pinch with the thumb and the other two notes | xxx 2 3 x | with the index finger and middle finger. The same pattern applies to collect other agreements.
4) The Drill Song
If you are fairly new to the guitar, this could be very difficult. The way to facilitate this is to share yourTrained in two different sections: Keep forms of agreements and collection forms.
First you take the time to familiarize yourself with the various agreements with the trust agreements-hand in hand. Work on the transition between chords until they feel comfortable without any sense of violence.
Then go to the library. Start very slow and the pace if you feel should be so. Learning to play exactly like the sound track may take some time.